Wadi El-Nile Hospital has been accredited by the International Association for Accreditation of Hospitals for the third consecutive year to the hospital's continuous commitment to maintaining its patient safety.

Provide diagnosis, treatment and subsequent surgery Different types of tubes White water surgery (cataract) Congenital glaucoma Retinal and vitreous diseases Eye tumors in children Early detection and treatment of premature infants
Heart Center Sports Valley Valley Hospital Protecting the citizen's heart is a national duty Initiate initiatives from the Nile Valley Hospital in cooperation with Liverpool University to establish a sports center to serve Egypt and the Eastern Mediterranean region in protecting and treating the hearts of our athletes. For reservations and inquiries 19303-0224562700
The Women's Health Center at Wadi El-Nile Hospital is one of the most distinguished centers that take care of you and take care of you in different stages of your life through the concept of periodic comprehensive examination, which includes basic laboratory analysis
Copyright 2018. WadiElneel Hospital by Khabeer