The Department of Internal Medicine at Wadi El-Neel Hospital has a group of doctors (consultants, specialists) who have the highest scientific degrees and have extensive experience in diagnosis, treatment and prevention. The department also has a specialized unit for nutrition and treatment of obesity and problems of weight gain through therapeutic and surgical methods according to the latest treatment methods compatible with the latest Global research to treat such cases of digestive system such as:- I. Diagnosis and treatment of upper and lower gastrointestinal tract, esophagus, stomach, small intestine and large, bile ducts. ii. Diagnosis and treatment of liver diseases: viral hepatitis, auto-immune hepatitis, liver cirrhosis and benign and malignant liver tumors with liver biopsies. iii. Diagnosis and treatment of pancreatic diseases and bile ducts. iv. Early diagnosis of gastrointestinal, liver and pancreatic cancers by tumor markers. v. Place the feeding tube through the endoscope without the need for surgery. vi. Banding and injecting varicose veins and removal polyps. vii. Treatment of the gastrointestinal ulcer, treatment of Barrett's esophagus (pre-cancer of the esophagus) viii. Early detection and treatment of gastrointestinal cancers in early stages. ix. ERCP for diagnosis and treatment of biliary obstruction Also we are managing the General Medicine cases:- i. Treatment of mal-digestion, mal-absorption and treatment of gastrointestinal gluten sensitivity. ii. Comprehensive medical examination iii. Treatment of digestive disorders (acute and chronic) iv. Diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases and fever of unknown cause.
• The division of Nephrology is concerned with the diagnosis & management of wide variety of kidney disorders.The division is committed to provide patients with advanced & the Up-To-Date Knowledge .Our team strives to treat patients with the highest international standards in an environment that fosters compassionate & patient centered care. • Scope of services : * Daily out Patient clinics (Except Friday). * Management of all cases of clinical nephrology as: - Acute Kidney Injury - Chronic Renal Impairment - Glomerulonephritis - Diabetes Nephropathy - HTN nephrosclerosis - cystic kidney diseases - UTI & renal stones - Electrolytes disorders. * High standard Hemodialysis (HD)/ Hemodiafiltration (HDF) unit which Is equipped with high technology needed for high efficient dialysis. * Insertion of vascath / permicath , & AVF creation for patients need regular HD. * Performing Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy (CRRT) for Critically ill patients with acute renal failure. * Adult & Pediatric kidney transplantation program . * U/S guided kidney biopsy. * Plasmapheresis.
We take care of the health of your children. The Pediatric Department at Wadi El Neel Hospital has been equipped with integrated clinics based on a selection of the best pediatric consultants, supported by an integrated network of modern medical devices. The clinics provide medical and basic services for children, such as assessing the child's development and health, and giving the necessary vaccinations. We also specialize in diagnosing and treating diseases affecting children of all ages. In addition, the department of the medical education in pediatric clinics plays an important role in providing parents with the appropriate instructions to follow up the child's cases. We are distinguished in: - • Integrated services in various precise disciplines, competencies with the highest level of experience • Comprehensive postpartum screening to detect diseases immediately. • Use of the endoscope to detect ear and throat problems easily and safely. • Growth hormone is an important test conducted in a specialized and accurate manner. • Prevention of pneumonia is necessary to avoid serious and chronic complications. Conditions treated in the section:- The Department of Pediatrics at the hospital offers advanced and high-quality medical care for children from the time of birth until the age of 14 years, including cases (neurological, cardiac, chest, gastrointestinal, metabolic, metabolic, allergic, inflammatory, osteoarthritis, ear, nose, skin, eye, and surgical). Health services are distinguished from diagnosis, analysis, and care as follow:- 1- Child Emergency Services: Bronchial asthma, fluid loss, fever, strangulation, convulsions 2- Preventive Medicine Services: Vaccinations, counseling, follow-up physical and mental growth of the child. 3- Thoracic Services: Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, acute and chronic allergic rhinitis, acute and chronic tonsillitis, acute tracheal dysplasia, tracheal problems, acute and chronic ear infections. 4- Gastroenterology Services: Diarrhea, acute vomiting, gastritis, infant re-flux, colic, nutritional problems, chronic constipation, congenital malformations of the digestive system. 5- Dermatology Services: Follow-up and treatment of mild cases of eczema, psoriasis, all types of allergies, skin infections, chicken pox and measles. 6- Follow-up growth problems: • Diagnosis and treatment of bone softening, shortness or height problems, osteoarthritis, tumor diagnosis, pediatric rheumatic diseases. 7- Cardiology services: • Diagnosis of congenital heart diseases, congenital malformations, emergency cases such as heart failure, and follow-up of heart disease and arrhythmia. 8- Endocrine : • Diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of diabetes, endocrine diseases, diagnosis and treatment of growth problems, excessive obesity, short stature, thyroid diseases, puberty problems, metabolic diseases. 9- Urinary tract : • Diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of urinary infections, urinary reflux, and bladder infections. 10- Blood diseases : • Treatment of anemia and iron deficiency, blood clotting problems. 11- Allergies: • Sensitivity of skin, respiratory, food allergy. 12- Neonatal Intensive Care Unit for Newborn, Premature and Late Growth It is the largest of its kind in the private sector, competing globally in terms of system, results and modern technology applied. • Physical and mental follow-up of newborns, diseases related to bipolar, all problems of newborns and infants, problems of diarrhea or constipation and respiratory problems. 13- Internal departments for follow-up cases: • The internal section of the children is equipped with the latest medical and hotel care, which is suitable for the psychological and physical nature of the children and provides an atmosphere of comfort for the child and the family. It is the largest of its kind in the private sector, competing globally in terms of system, results and modern technology applied. Physical and mental follow-up of newborns, diseases related to bipolar, all problems of newborns and infants, problems of diarrhea or constipation and respiratory problems. Internal departments for follow-up cases: The internal section of the children is equipped with the latest medical and hotel care, which is suitable for the psychological and physical nature of the children and provides an atmosphere of comfort for the child and the family.
The dermatology department in wadi El Neel hospital presents different diagnostic and therapeutic modalities for patients. It contains electro, cryo and laser for treatment of naive, walk, pigmentations and sears. The Andrology department in Wadi El Neel hospital presents diagnosis and treatment of sexual and ejaculatory dysfunction& intra corporeal injections for penile problem and management of male infertility & STDs.
Orthopedic department is presents an excellent medical and surgical services since 23 years supported by presence of a lot of professors and consultants of highly profession with a team of qualified and experienced specialists • Many skilled and highly qualified foreign experts in all orthopedic specialties are coming frequently to our hospital. • All orthopedic emergencies and accidents perfectly managed and stabilized at any time • Orthopedic outpatient clinics work daily from 9.00 AM to 9.00 PM except on Fridays and holidays. Orthopedic department in Wadi-ElNeel Hospital is characterized by the presence of highly specialized orthopedic surgery units. • Pediatric orthopedics and deformity management unit. • Shoulder arthroscopy unit. • Knee arthroscopy and cruciate ligaments reconstruction unit. • Hand surgery and microsurgery unit. • Foot and ankle surgery unit. • Arthroplasty unit. • Spine surgery unit. • A lot of professors and consultants of high professionally. • A team of qualified, experienced specialists. • Unit of deformity and pediatrics orthopedic unit. • Shoulder arthroscopy unit. .. • Knee arthroscopy and arthroplasty unit. • Microsurgery and hand surgery unit • Foot and ankle surgery unit. • Joint replacement unit. • Spine surgeries unit.
The Ear, Nose and Throat Department provide a consultant — led service — meaning that a fully qualified consultant is overseeing patient care at all times. Outpatient ENT Clinics are fully equipped with the latest examination units including microscopic and endoscopic (fixable and rigid) diegetic sets. • ENT clinics. • Audiology clinic and Audio booth. • Vestibular investigation clinic. • Cochlear implant Rehabilitation clinic. All ENT, Head and Neck surgeries are provided including:- - Microscopic ear surgery. - Endoscopic Nasal and sinus surgery. - Microscopic Laryngeal surgery. - Neck surgery. - Cochlear implantation surgery.
The vascular unit in Wadi El Neel Hospital is considered the most qualified and equipped center as a center of excellence to perform the most updated and complicated procedures in the field of vascular surgeries and vascular intervention all in one place. The vascular center can deal with highly complicated cases such as Aortic aneurysm, Aortic dissection, and peripheral angiography, vascular and carotid angiography. Center can detect early the Aortic aneurysm &peripheral stenosis to prevent amputations and diabetic complications. Wadi El Neel Vascular Lab Exclusive vascular laboratory examinations (only Wadi El Neel Hospital):- -Arterial segmental pressure map. -Toe pressure, finger pressure and toe/brachial index. -Pulse volume recording PVR -Exercise ABI (treadmill Doppler-G protocol) -Reactive hyperemia -Cold stress testing for vasospastic disorders -Photo plethysmography based deep breath test for assessment of sympathetic system integrity (autonomic diabetic neuropathy) -Photo plethysmography-based examination of thoracic outlet syndrome -Photo plethysmography – determination of dominant arterial supply of the hand (prior to CABG surgery) -Volumetric flow measurement of arterio-venous hemodialysis access -Photo plethysmography-based diagnosis of steal syndrome in hemodialysis access. Color Doppler examinations:- -Carotid &Vertebral arteries -Venous Upper and lower limbs -Arterial upper and lower limbs - Renal artery of native kidney -Mesenteric vessels -Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (with score system) -Portal circulation study -Inferior vena cava /renal veins -Transplanted kidney follows up -Varicocele /testicular torsion -Pre-renal transplant iliac vessels profile (arterial &venous) -Pre AV-fistula (arterial/venous) duplex mapping -AV fistula maturity and complications -Pre-surgical flap arterial/venous (rev. sural /lateral malleolar/supra malleolar/planter/toeflaps) -liver transplant follow up
The Department of General Surgery and Endoscopic Surgery receives all the surgical conditions of different age groups. Small-angle surgery also occupies a prominent position in the list of surgeries performed in the hospital. It is considered the most recent step in the surgery department in all its specialties. "Limited recovery period" We use the latest equipment in the hospital to diagnose and treat diseases under the supervision of a selection of highly qualified and competent consultants who perform all kinds of surgeries, but most importantly, our medical team is committed to providing the best medical care ever in the following specialties: Surgical endoscopy including the following procedures:- • Appendectomy. • Cholecystectomy and gallstones. • Microcirculation of the intestine and colon. • Diaphragmatic hernia surgery. • Adrenal glands. • Diagnostic endoscopy for the abdomen. • Erythematous, umbilical and surgical operations. Gastrointestinal surgeries and obesity include: • Place a balloon inside the stomach. • The process of connecting the stomach (stomach belt) • Connect the stomach to the endoscope. • Laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery. • Removal of a longitudinal portion of the stomach. • Laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery. Oncology Surgeries: Surgical treatment for all types of tumors, including:- • Skin tumors. • Thyroid and gendarmectomy • Laparoscopic varicose veins. • Gastrointestinal tumors. • Liver, pancreas and kidney tumors. • Early detection of breast tumors, follow-up and surgical procedures for breast tumors. Surgical treatment of anal diseases include:- • Hemorrhoids (surgery - stapling - injection therapy) • Infrared ablation. • Anal anomalies. • Nasour al-Assisi.
1- Bio-imaging gives information about the physiology, pathophysiology, and anatomy of various Organ System and diseases. 2- The latest and most advanced MuIti - Modality Scanning Equipment: - IQ PET-CT. SPECT-CT. 3- PET—CT bio-imaging:- • Modern Onco - Imaging that See MORE, See BETTER See EARLIER, • Improve Diagnostic accuracy, Better Evaluation, impacting Disease management and lives. • Application: - - FOG PET-CT WUS (Oncology & Infection). - FOG PET-CT Brain. FDG PET-CT myocardial Viability. 4- Nuclear Medicine Scanning:- • Stress Myocardial Perfusion Imaging. • MOP bone scans. • Thyroid scan. • Parathyroid Scan. • Renal scans. • Lung Scan. • Others: Hepato- biliary, GIT motility, Mackle's. 5- Radio-nuclide Target therapy:- • Low dose Radio-Active I-131 therapy for thyrotoxicosis • High dose Radio-Active 1-131 therapy for .thyroid cancer, • Iodinated MIBG therapy for Neuro - bIastoma & pheochromocytoma • Peptide Receptor Radionuclide Therapy (PRRT) for NED. • Radio-nuclide Therapy for Bone pain Palliation (Strontium 89 & Samarium 153)
Radiology Department in Wadi El Neel Hospital is providing a complete premium imaging services around the clock, such as:- 1- Radiography (x-rays):- o Computed and digital radiography o Contrast studies: including angiography upper &lower GI contrast series-HSG-excretory urography (IVP or IVU) cysto-urethrography-sialography. 2- Computed Tomography(CT scan)- multislice(640 slice):- For all examinations including CTA coronary& virtual CT studies. 3- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI):- o High end 1.5 tesla MRI & high field open MRI 1 tesla MRI o For all MRI examinations including MRCP-MRU-MRA, MRV-MRS-MR breast- whole body MRI-diffusion-perfusion& CSF flowmetry). 4- US &Doppler Ultrasound : ( including all conventional &advanced techniques) 5- Interventional Radiology: including angioplasty& vascular stenting-biopsies- catheter embolization-chemoembolization- nerve block- radiofrequency ablation. 6- Breast imaging intervention. 7- DEXA scan (bone densitometry )
Dental department at the hospital is equipped with the latest international equipment confirming to international quality standards as well as the human staff of professional consultants and nursing staff at the highest level of craftsmanship The aim of our department is to provide services to patients with a smile and wonderful feedback with patient's satisfaction Our slogan is painless treatment and wonderful feeling
To allow performing all types of plastic surgery, the following operations are done:- -Face left -Breast augmentation -Breast reduction and mastopexy (Breast left) -Reconstruction of breast -Lipo suction -Tommy tuck -Correction of gynaecomastia -Thigh left -Maxillofacial trauma (fractures and soft tissue injuries) -Fat injection -Post burn scarring -C left lip & palate repair
Rheumatic diseases encompass more than 200 different diseases which span from various types of arthritis to systemic connective tissue diseases. Rheumatic diseases affect all ages and both genders, although women are more frequently affected than men. In fact a third of people of all ages are affected at some point during their lifetime. If rheumatic diseases are not treated appropriately it may lead to significant disability or even increased mortality. The success key in management of rheumatic diseases is early diagnosis and appropriate treatment which is planned and followed by specialized rheumatologist.
The pediatric critical unit( PCCU ) serves to fulfill the mission statement of wadi elneel hospital – to provide exemplary care of acute critical care situation for infants and children and conduct the cutting edge research related to acute life- threating pediatric medical and surgical problems. The PCCU was set up in 2014 and since then, it has been steadily grown to a 10 bed-state-of-the-art multidisciplinary care unit that cares for critically-ill children from all over the country. PCCU also provides post-operative care to many surgical subspecialities, neuro-surgery, orthopedic surgery and pediatric hepato-biliary surgery. Due to the tireless dedication of its faculty, specialities and nurse- practitioners, the PCCU has an international reputation in the field of pre and liver and kidney transplantation care. Our future mission is to train leaders of tomorrow in the field of pediatric critical care.
* Pre-hospital care. • Specialized health transport services. • Transfers between hospitals. • Intensive Care Unit for the transmission of children with serious illnesses. • The department also undertakes to coordinate planning for emergency and disaster-related mass incidents. • Medical staff and ambulance personnel are qualified to perform simple and advanced recovery. This is done by doctors, emergency counselors and specialists, and the department is able to perform the transportation of sick children, cardiac patients, and wound and neonatal victims. The critical care team is always ready for long-term transport. Consultants in all disciplines Wadi El-Neel Hospital is characterized by the presence of the largest department equipped and equipped to receive emergency cases through a number of modern techniques and equipment and the global medical expertise of consultants in the specialties of emergency, children, bones, heart and intestines and digestive system, etc. Everyone is in a state of high readiness of consultants and nursing staff, the fastest service for the first case may need medical help and surgical intervention. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week The emergency department has a wide range of services and services, which are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The latest medical technology is provided by specialists in all specialties. - 24 hour child consultant The group is keen to have a 24-hour pediatric consultant to deal with such emergency situations, where all internal conditions and diets are treated, which reflects the specific interest in this category. - Less time to get to the operating rooms The design of the emergency department is consistent with the function assigned to it. The department is designed with a system that ensures smooth flow of traffic and provides the least time to access the service. A special elevator is allocated to move to the operating rooms, intensive care and delivery rooms for women's cases immediately - Special Unit for Children's Emergency A specialized pediatric emergency unit has been provided by 24-hour consultants to provide services at any time for consultation, diagnosis and treatment. The unit is equipped with the latest international recommendations for fast and high-quality service delivery through available competencies and technologies. Treatment of neonatal disease In children's emergencies, children with vomiting or diarrhea are received with a lack of activity, i.e. high neonatal temperature; high temperature without response to heat reducers in children older than one year, difficulty in breathing, or when the mother feels that child is not in his usual health condition. - Speed and accuracy with electronic file The adoption of the Nile Valley Hospital on the electronic file is evidence of its leadership, as the doctor can see a detailed report on the patient's status and access to the preliminary information from 24 hours a day, 7 days a week The emergency department has a wide range of services and services, which are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The latest medical technology is provided by specialists in all specialties. - 24 hour child consultant The group is keen to have a 24-hour pediatric consultant to deal with such emergency situations, where all internal conditions and diets are treated, which reflects the specific interest in this category Less time to get to the operating rooms The design of the emergency department is consistent with the function assigned to it. The department is designed with a system that ensures smooth flow of traffic and provides the least time to access the service. A special elevator is allocated to move to the operating rooms, intensive care and delivery rooms for women's cases immediately. - Special Unit for Children's Emergency A specialized pediatric emergency unit has been provided by 24-hour consultants to provide services at any time for consultation, diagnosis and treatment. The unit is equipped with the latest international recommendations for fast and high-quality service delivery through available competencies and technologies. Treatment of neonatal disease In children's emergencies, children with vomiting or diarrhea are received with a lack of activity, i.e. high neonatal temperature; high temperature without response to heat reducers in children older than one year, difficulty in breathing, or when the mother feels that child is not in his usual health condition. - Speed and accuracy with electronic file The adoption of the Nile Valley Hospital on the electronic file is a sign of its leadership, as the doctor can see the patient detailed report on the patient's status and access to the information through the initial rays and laboratory analyzes that have been made to him and the history of disease, saving time and effort and helps in rapid diagnosis - Perform radiation on the patient's bed The patient can make a group of urgent rays on his bed without moving to get an instant electronic image, which is a quantum leap in the level of emergency services that are provided. - Ambulances equipped In addition, the emergency department has been equipped with 6 ambulances (ICU mobile units) with a hot telephone line, which allows for contact with a full team of consultants for processing and intervention in critical cases. The patient is received from the moment of arrival by the specialist doctor. - High quality diagnostic and treatment services Diagnostic and therapeutic services are provided for all cases of shortness or difficulty of breathing, chest and upper abdominal pain, deep and normal injuries, temporary loss of consciousness, low consciousness or convulsions, traffic accidents and bone injuries, heart problems, severe abdominal pain, cases
This is a unique Ophthalmology center at Wadi El Neel Hospital which include most advanced devices and techniques, services include OCT, Fluorescein angiography, field of vision, corneal topography and IOL master. The center also have OR with latest surgical devices for Performing highly skilled surgeries like phacoemulsification, Vitrectomy, plastic surgeries, glaucoma, squint, pediatric, Refractive and corneal surgeries, with latest surgical microscopes. All surgeries are performed with highly qualified consultants.
Interventional Radiology is considered as an important subspecialty of radio diagnosis through which we can treat a lot of diseases as liver tumors, some cases of acute GIT, bleeding, some cases of acute urogenital bleedings, uterine fibroids are some cases of postpartum hemorrhage, cerebral aneurism and cerebral stroke. The treatment is performed by the aid of angiographic machines, ultrasound machines or C.T scan.
The Department of Physical Therapy and Comprehensive Rehabilitation of Wadi Neel Hospital is one of the most important sections of the hospital. This section is based on its share of the latest medical devices and most effective for the completion of diagnostic and therapeutic functions. The crucial role of physiotherapy cannot be overlooked due to close association with other medical departments as one of the branches of biomedical medicine Non-surgical or pharmacological means, where some doctors in departments such as bone, brain and nerves transfer a number of cases to physical therapy, in addition to guests and visitors to the section transferred from other hospitals. The department provides physiotherapy services for many diseases including:- • Rehabilitation of orthopedic patients, neurology, neurosurgery and spinal surgery of all ages. • Rehabilitation of patients with neurological disorders such as hemorrhagic and quadrat paralysis and seventh nerve cases • Weakness of the facial muscles, peripheral atrophy and muscular dystrophy. • Vascular disorders and respiratory diseases. • Rehabilitation of patients and back pain, neck and paragraphs. • Physical and compensatory therapy. • Rehabilitation of sports injuries. • Rehabilitation of heart patients The department relies on the latest technological capabilities in the field of thermal, electrical, motor and physical energy treatment, and gives the highest degree of care and attention through a specialized medical staff with the highest grades. The department includes physiotherapists with assistants in the men's section which includes treatment rooms and Gymnasium, as well as women and women in the women's section, which includes multiple treatment rooms and gymnasium such as:- • Thermodynamic devices for muscles • Ultraviolet devices • Grooming devices • Flashing waves • Up to date electrical appliances • Electrical induction devices • A wide variety of options to help with fitness and weight loss programs.
Wadi El Nile outpatients clinics introduce a high quality of medical services through providing a world-class services through professional Egyptian consultants and a regular visits of international Experts.
The Neuro-Surgery services are provided 24/7 varying between management of emergency cases, regular outpatient clinics and performing surgical operations under the supervision of highly qualified team of neurosurgery consultants in addition to periodic visits of external experts. Neuro-Surgery department in Wadi ElNeel hospital presents various services to our patients. The services are supported by the presence of a high quality MRI, C.T. & interventional radiology. The surgical operations varies between lumbar & cervical operations and microscopic brain & spinal tumors in addition to brain hemorrhage case and dealing with traumatic emergencies in a fully equipped OR
The unit provides services to all types of disabilities of children The service starts by a comittee including consultants of all specialities involved in children with special needs then referral to rehabilitation services where therapists for all types of disabilities are available̜, also providing family counseling for care givers of children with special needs.
The Urology Department at Wadi El Neel hospital is committed to the highest standards of patient care and satisfaction, not only through the unique collection of top rated consultants in Egypt but also through the availability of all the diverse modalities of treatment of all urologic diseases including open, endoscopic, laparoscopic and robotic approaches for treatment of various urologic diseases including uro-oncology cases, stone diseases, urinary incontinence, pediatric urology and kidney transplant.
The anesthesia team of Wadi El Neel hospital consists of 34 consultants and specialists anesthesiologists and 20 trained anesthesia technicians. All members are highly certified and qualified to manage different anesthesia subspecialties efficiently. Our team is equipped with the latest up to date facilities designed for different modern anesthesia techniques integrated in an electronic monitoring and information network that enable our team to cope with various types of surgical procedures as advanced cardiovascular surgeries, thoracic surgeries, neurosurgery, urological surgeries, orthopedic surgeries, gynecological and obstetrics procedures, pediatric surgeries, hepato-biliary surgeries, plastic surgeries, trauma surgeries, ENT surgeries, ophthalmic procedures, and various organ transplantation procedures
Believing that specialization is the best way to improve the quality of health care, the Orthopedic, Joint and Spine Department of Wadi El Neel Hospital is one of the best orthopedic centers in Egypt. It has been supported by medical specialists in all specialties of fine bones from university professors. What distinguishes us:- The department includes specialized units in all specialties of fine bones such as sports injuries, spinal surgery and pediatric bones, as well as a comprehensive joint replacement unit. The hospital provides emergency and emergency services around the clock. Fully equipped ambulances and a blood bank as well as an integrated team of consultants, technicians and nurses who are trained and trained periodically to provide the best care for the injured. Diagnostic and therapeutic arthroscopy:- We also specialize in surgical procedures for orthopedic, spine and joint surgery. We also follow the latest surgical methods in all operations, especially the replacement of joint joints, cruciate ligament operations, and cartilage slide operations. Replacement of industrial joints:- The operations of replacement of the joints of the joints, whether knee or thigh, one of the most successful operations in Egypt, has given the hospital special attention to this specialty where is the best types of joints and quality to meet the requirements of life of the patient so that enables him to exercise his daily activities easily and easily. Spinal surgery:- Innovative diagnostic and therapeutic methods for the treatment of cartilage slide and spinal deformities, modern techniques for treatment of lower back pain without surgery or pain, as well as spinal surgery under local anesthesia and binoculars. Natural therapy:- Our physiotherapy department has a wide variety of equipment and is highly specialized for its specialists through separate sections for women and men and professional services of high quality. Special laser treatments are available to treat acute tendon infections, adrachection devices for the removal of vertebrae and neck, and ultrasound devices for the treatment of arthritis and muscle strengthening Pain relief, as well as knee joint moving devices and pediatric Unit
This section provides treatment for people suffering from respiratory diseases and provides integrated pulmonary tests, including respiratory and bronchial tests. Our medical staff (consultants - specialists) is trained to deal with such cases. The Department of Chest Diseases at Wadi El Neel Hospital is distinguished for its specializations for adults and children in allergy, immunology and chest diseases. Treated cases: • Diagnosis and treatment of respiratory diseases. • Diagnosis and treatment of critical respiratory emergencies. • Diagnosis and treatment of asthma and allergies. • Diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic bronchitis and bronchitis. • Diagnosis and treatment of lung fibrosis. • Diagnosis and treatment of pleural effusion. • Diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders and upper respiratory diseases.
The Gynecology department is supervised by highly qualified professional consultants backed by an emergency unit 24hours We are delivering the following:- 1- Antenatal care of high risk pregnancy cases and habitual abortions 2- Birth control measures 3- Laparoscopic& Hysteroscopy surgeries and laparoscopic hysterectomy 4- Well equipped IVF unit 5- Special Women health unit provides (mammogram-DEXA-early detection of Gynecology tumors 6- 4D U/S in fetology unit
Copyright 2018. WadiElneel Hospital by Khabeer