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Vascular & Endovascular surgeries
Vascular & Endovascular surgeries
Vascular & Endovascular surgeries
The vascular unit in Wadi El Neel Hospital is considered the most qualified and equipped center as a center of excellence to perform the most updated and complicated procedures in the field of vascular surgeries and vascular intervention all in one place. The vascular center can deal with highly complicated cases such as Aortic aneurysm, Aortic dissection, and peripheral angiography, vascular and carotid angiography. Center can detect early the Aortic aneurysm &peripheral stenosis to prevent amputations and diabetic complications. Wadi El Neel Vascular Lab Exclusive vascular laboratory examinations (only Wadi El Neel Hospital):- -Arterial segmental pressure map. -Toe pressure, finger pressure and toe/brachial index. -Pulse volume recording PVR -Exercise ABI (treadmill Doppler-G protocol) -Reactive hyperemia -Cold stress testing for vasospastic disorders -Photo plethysmography based deep breath test for assessment of sympathetic system integrity (autonomic diabetic neuropathy) -Photo plethysmography-based examination of thoracic outlet syndrome -Photo plethysmography – determination of dominant arterial supply of the hand (prior to CABG surgery) -Volumetric flow measurement of arterio-venous hemodialysis access -Photo plethysmography-based diagnosis of steal syndrome in hemodialysis access. Color Doppler examinations:- -Carotid &Vertebral arteries -Venous Upper and lower limbs -Arterial upper and lower limbs - Renal artery of native kidney -Mesenteric vessels -Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (with score system) -Portal circulation study -Inferior vena cava /renal veins -Transplanted kidney follows up -Varicocele /testicular torsion -Pre-renal transplant iliac vessels profile (arterial &venous) -Pre AV-fistula (arterial/venous) duplex mapping -AV fistula maturity and complications -Pre-surgical flap arterial/venous (rev. sural /lateral malleolar/supra malleolar/planter/toeflaps) -liver transplant follow up
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